Tag Archives: cousins


Bongo leading a cousin to the trailI have what?


I don’t have any cousins.

Well, at least none that you know about.

You don’t even know who my real parents are.

What? Wait. What?

What do you mean, they’re not my cousins?


Then who’s cousins are they?

Your cousins?

You have cousins?

Oh. They’re coming to visit us?

They’re coming to visit us!

I’d better get busy.

I’ve got to get a training plan together.

I’ve got to train them right while they’re here.

How much time have I got?

They’re here?

Hey cousins. Here’s my leash.

Hold onto it and I’ll show you where my trails are.

Cousins on the trail without Bongo

These cousins are not doing a good job.

If they don’t hold onto my leash they’re going to get lost.

I’m sure of it.

Bongo and cousin

That’s much better.

At least I can keep one cousin from getting lost.

Bongo with cousin

Now, let’s see what kind of adventures we can run into.


Posted by on March 4, 2014 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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