Tag Archives: Pet Waste Station

What a Waste

Pet Waste StationSomething new appeared on my trails today and I don’t get it.

It says it’s a Pet Waste Station, but since when are pets a waste?

I mean, that would be really sad if someone thought their pet was a waste and decided to throw their pet away.

What if that pet thought they were going for a walk on my trails, and then when they got this far their person took them and threw them into that big green box?

Maybe a cat would fit in that box. Or even a little dog.

But what if someone tried to fit a dog as big as me into that box?

That would be a pretty tight fit.

Or what if bunches of people decided their pets were a waste on the same day. It could get pretty squishy in there.

But maybe someone would find a pet already in the box that they liked. That they didn’t think was a waste. Would they take that pet home with them then?

Then that pet wouldn’t be a waste after all – so what was it doing in the pet waste box in the first place?

This whole pet waste thing is totally confusing to me.

Maybe I’d better check this out and see if there are any pets around who think they’re a waste.

I’ll tell them they’re not a waste and let them out of the box. Well, unless they’re cats, that is.

Bongo sniffing around Pet Waste Station

Nope, I don’t see any pets around here.

I guess nobody’s going to use this box after all.


Posted by on June 12, 2013 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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